The Expense Of Becoming A Doctor In India

When more than half of the class from 3rd to 8th standard raise their hands, when asked who wants to become a doctor the scene is not so surprising. However, the number significantly reduces to a quarter in the next two years, when the students are exposed to the intrinsic ties of the discipline and are ready to explore their interests and passions. The filtration does not stop here when in intermediate several students start taking concern about their future. Those studying medical fields, start to give their all.

Unfortunately, there are still multiple concerns and obstacles the medical students have to face on their way to finally fulfill their childhood dream to be a doctor. Here are some of the obstacles that make being a doctor in India an extremely expensive affair, which leads to many dropping their choice of career and settling for something a lot less.

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1. NEET & Coaching

As per the mandates of the government of India, any student willing to study MBBS has to qualify for the NEET exam. The admissions in the government medical university, in which the fee is significantly low, is purely based on the merits of the NEET result.

Unfortunately, the country as of present does not have a sufficient number of medical seats to cater to the constantly rising number of Indian medical aspirants. Alone in NEET 2021 saw at least 16 lakhs students appearing and competing for the approximately 40,000 seats. That implies that almost 400 students are competing for the 1 medical seat. This has in turn made studying MBBS no short of the rat race.

To win this race, a huge majority of students often take help in the form of coaching. Several institutions have gained themselves a good name in providing this assistance. However, getting a seat in these institutions is itself trouble that many cannot conquer. Therefore, along with school fees and board fees, the students also have to pay up the hefty charges to the coaching institutions.

All these may sound like a huge help for the young medical students, but alas, it further reduces the opportunities for the many socially and marginally underprivileged students to make the competition more cut-throat. There have also been several cases where due to this pressure and the fear of not performing well, which has led to the rising number of suicides all over the country.

The extreme pressure, high expectations from the family and society, unfortunate circumstances, lack of essential and monetary resources, etc often results in increased cases of depression among the NEET appearing students.

The Justice A.K. Ranjan Committee, set up by the state government of Tamil Nadu has made a similar conclusion after which the NEET exam was scrapped for the students of Tamil Nadu.

Read More: Action Plan After NEET UG 2021 For Indian Students

2. MBBS in Abroad or Private Medical Colleges Of India

As it has been already established that in order to get admission in the government medical university the student must be able to make it up to the top cream and counter the severe competition. The major advantage of studying MBBS in government colleges of India is that of fees. However, if you once qualify the NEET must fall short in terms of marks or ranks, then several students often find themselves in the dilemma of choosing MBBS in Abroad or private medical university of India.

First things first, the eligibility to study MBBS in India or abroad is absolutely the same. The students have to qualify for the NEET exam as well as score at least 50% marks in all the major subjects of class 12. However, the difference lies in the cost of study between both cases. The difference between studying MBBS in India at a private college and MBBS abroad, in top medical universities of the world is as huge as 70%. That means, studying MBBS in private medical universities can cost you 70% more than what is required to pay to study MBBS Abroad in top universities abroad in countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Caribbean Island, etc.

Let us have a look at the overall cost of becoming a doctor from the scratch and find out the approximate estimate in all the possible options.

Average Tuition Fee In Private School (Class 11-12)*INR 80,000
Average Cost of NEET Coaching (2 years)*INR 4,00,000
Total Expenditure In School Years*INR 4,80,000
Cost of MBBS in govt. medical college of India*Cost of MBBS in private medical college of India*Cost of MBBS in Abroad (Govt. Medical Universities of Russia)*
~INR 5,00,000                          (full course)~INR 3,84,00,000                 (full course)~INR 18,00,000                           (full course)
Total Cost of Becoming A Doctor*School Fees + Coaching Fees + MBBS in govt. medical college of IndiaSchool Fees + Coaching Fees + MBBS in private. medical college of IndiaSchool Fees + Coaching Fees + MBBS in govt. medical college of Russia
~INR 9,80,000~INR 3,88,80,000~INR  22,80,000

* The given sum is an approximate/ estimated/ average amount. The actual cost may vary from institution to institution.

It is to be also noted that with MBBS abroad, the necessity to score well in the NEET exam also significantly diminishes, therefore, if you are through with your basics, you do not necessarily have to pay up for the NEET coaching. This further reduces the expenditure to become a doctor for Indian students.

Apart from the cost benefits, there are several other advantages of studying MBBS abroad which prove to add further stars in the career of its pursuers.

Some of the many advantages of studying MBBS abroad for Indian students are listed briefly below:

  1. Recognised Global Degree
  2. Abundant Clinical Exposure
  3. Associations with International Fraternity
  4. Participation in the Best Educational Practices
  5. Multiple Career Choices
  6. Personality Grooming

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5 Reasons Why You Should Study MBBS in Russia

What is the cost of studying MBBS in Russia?

Struggle At The End

The maximum part of expenses is covered in the top two points of discussion. Even after such an intense and difficult competition, though one might finally attain the prefix of Dr before their name, getting into the battlefield of the real world is totally a different struggle. As of present, any doctor who has graduated from abroad has to appear and qualify for the Foreign Medical Graduate Exam (FMGE) which is a medical licensing exam to practice the study in India. However, as per the latest announcements, it is believed that FMGE will soon be replaced by the National Exit Test (NExT) from 2023. Unlike FMGE, which differentiates between the medical graduates abroad and that of India, appearing and qualifying for the NExT exam would be complementary for all the medical graduates having an aspiration to practice in India.

The significance of this compulsion may be debatable based on the perceptions. This decision certainly ensures a common standard for evaluation based upon the knowledge instead of from where one has gained it. Once done with the validation, the next trouble is getting employment.

Many times the students choose to open their own clinic which once again requires a good amount of money.


After all these deliberations and discussions, it can be concluded that being a doctor in India can be extremely expensive if you are unable to get a seat in the government medical college of India. It is at this time the option to study MBBS abroad comes into play. Medical universities abroad, especially those in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Caribbean Island are extremely popular for their affordable options of a medical study.

Among all the above, MBBS in Russia is probably one of the most common and preferred choices for Indian students. Rus Education has been aiding the facilitation of medical education in Russia for the past 30 years. We, at Rus Education, bring you the best and the most affordable government medical universities in Russia, to pursue your MBBS. Apart from choosing the best universities in Russia, we also assist you all throughout the courses in various ways like providing Indian hostels, canteens, FMGE coaching, Visa & travel arrangements, etc.

Avail the unlimited services for your MBBS abroad at Rus Education. Book yourself a counseling session today!

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1 Comment

  1. يستغرق نقل الأمتعة من مكان إلى آخر وقتا طويلا ، لذا قبل متابعة النقل ، تحتاج إلى إدخال حسابك في الوقت المناسب ، ومعرفة عدد الساعات التي ستستغرقها للوصول إلى الشقة الجديدة ومعرفة ما إذا كان الطريق مناسبا.بناء على ذلك ، حدد كيفية نقل شيء زجاجي ، ويفضل أن يكون ذلك باستخدام ورق مقوى متعدد.بعد ذلك ، يمكنك وضع عدة طبقات من الإسفنج وأوراق الهلام ولفها بأسطوانة مطاطية.
    فرز جميع العناصر الهشة في مكان. يوصى بكتابة كل عنصر في صندوقه الخاص ووضعه في موقف سيارات الدفع.
    لف جميع الأثاث الخشبي بورق ملفوف على شكل شرائط لمنعها من الفتح أو الانكسار عند نقل الأثاث.
    فمن الضروري وضع جميع الأجزاء الأساسية في السيارة التي تحمل الأمتعة ، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار أن قطعة صغيرة من الزجاج الهش يتم وضعها في مكان ، ويتم وضع الخشب والأجهزة الكهربائية المتبقية في مكان آخر.

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