Why Study MBBS Abroad?

Being a doctor is probably one of the most anticipated fields for many in a country like India. However, the sunken reality of the nation is that not many are able to pursue it and be what they are aspiring to be. The fistful number of seats in the government as well as private medical universities of India and its disproportionate ratio with the gargantuan number of NEET appearing and qualifying students.

As the gap between the need and the availability is skyrocketing, a huge number of students seemingly drop their aspirations to be a doctor and settle for various alternatives. Last year, approximately 771500 students qualified for NEET, however, the total number of medical seats in India was just 82956. This year approximately 16.1 lakhs students have appeared for NEET UG about 83075 seats in government as well as private medical universities.

This implies that in 2020, there was a competition of 5582 NEET qualified students for 1 medical seat of India (private & medical). This year, there are about 11657 students for every medical seat who have appeared and are in a race to secure their seats in any medical institution of India.

Emphasizing the point that the above numbers include private and government medical colleges and exclude the aspects like that of quota which further reduces the number of seats and increases the competition. Even in private medical universities, due to the heavy charges in various forms like donations and miscellaneous expenses, not all can enroll for it.

It is at this juncture that students often deviate from their path to fulfill their dream of becoming a doctor. Those who are persistent enough to not let any obstacle hinder their path, often find themselves looking for options at MBBS abroad.

Though affordability and feasibility are some of the incredulous reasons why MBBS abroad has been emerging as a popular option, there are also several other reasons, which make studying medicine abroad a more plausible and reasonable choice for Indian students.

Here are some of the reasons which make studying MBBS abroad a probable choice for those seeking medical education abroad without compromising the quality:

1. Cost Of Study

Unlike the fees of private medical universities of India, studying MBBS abroad is quite an affordable option. Most of the countries of Europe, South America, and Asian countries provide some quality medical education, and that too in some of the globally reputed universities.

Among the many options for the students for MBBS abroad, medical universities of Russia are known for providing medical education at a subsidized fee structure even to its students. The students can avail several scholarships based upon their performance at the university, further making medical education more feasible.

2. Cost Of Living

Studying MBBS in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Caribbean Islands, etc offers a low-cost living while at the same time maintaining the highest quality of living standards, especially for international students.

Many times the university often provides hostels, canteens, laundry rooms, reading rooms, and other facilities for everyday use to the students, included in the fee structure. However, expenses like traveling within the country or spending a day on the city tour, general cost, etc compose the cost of living for the students.

3. Recognitions

For India, the recognition of the medical universities abroad is provided by the National Medical Commission (NMC), which replaced the Medical Council Of India (MCI) under the NITI Aayog Recommendation of NMC Bill in 2019.

Many a time, the medical universities are recognized by several many other recognition bodies which provide the international reputation, such as the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), Medical Council of Canada (MCC), etc

These recognitions imply the validity of the attained medical degree in the given region and thus act as eligibility for the medical licensing exam like USMLE, FMGE/NExT, etc. The more the recognition, the more is its global reach.

4. No Entrance Exam

Most medical universities abroad do not require any form of entrance exam or interview to apply. The students are just required to fill up the eligibility criteria set forth by the concerned authority in their respective country to study MBBS abroad.

For Indian students seeking MBBS abroad, the eligibility criteria is not different from those who study within the country. The eligibility to study MBBS abroad or even in India must have scored at least 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in class 12, qualified NEET exam, and must be of the age of 17 years as on or before the year of admission.

5. No Donation

Unlike the private medical universities of India which may cost you even crores at times for admission, the students are not required to pay covert charges in the form of donations, etc to get admission in a good medical university abroad.

When studying MBBS abroad, though it is a general belief, is often misconceived to be incredibly expensive, however, having no donations often reduces the expenses for the fees and education by up to 60% when compared with the charges of private medical universities with hefty donations.

6. Better Return Of Investment (ROI)

In contrast to studying MBBS in India at a private medical university, studying MBBS Abroad is certainly a preferable choice. Following the completion of an MBBS degree, students can either return to their home countries or practice abroad. Whatever the choice of destination be, the students gain tremendous professional and financial benefits thus contributing to better ROI.

7. Personality Development

For many individuals, studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Having a place where students and faculty come from diverse backgrounds helps students develop their overall personalities. By learning new languages, exchanging ideas, and becoming more confident they can achieve their goals. Having these soft skills is essential to becoming a sophisticated professional like a doctor. Students who have exposure to the outside world develop a broader perspective about the world, and they develop a sense of responsibility and independence. A few years abroad help students develop their independence, responsibility, and confidence.


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